Emotional Intelligence

There's nothing more exciting for me than training our clients on Emotional Intelligence. We have been collaborating with a neuropsychologist to train how Emotional Intelligence can drive leadership and performance, as well as create more harmonious work environments for teams.…

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Dress For Interview Success

Dress For Interview Success

By Kim Zoller: Forbes. Remember that Tide-to-Go commercial, the one where an interview candidate tries to explain why he’s the best choice for the job. But the interviewer is so distracted by a stain on the man’s shirt that he imagines the stain talking to him?

The message is obvious: One tiny detail can have a big impact when it comes to getting the job. And what you wear has a lot to do with it.

Although job-related skills an experience rank high in importance in whether or not you land the position, during the initial hiring process they have less power than most of us think. That’s because the first thing we notice about someone is their appearance, and more specifically, the way they are dressed.

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STRESS! Good or bad- we all deal with some form of stress in our lives.  Did you know: $300 billion, or $7,500 per employee, is spent annually in the U.S. on stress-related compensation claims, reduced productivity, absenteeism, health insurance costs,…

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